Monday, August 22, 2011

"What is Science, Anway?" Featuring Three Distinguished Scientists

What is science all about? What do scientists do? What impact does the work of scientists have on society? These questions and more will be addressed at the Science Cafe on September 1 at 7pm at the Norman Public Library. The panel discussing these questions will include the University of Oklahoma Vice President for Research, Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier, the Dean of University College, Dr. Douglas Gaffin, and Dr. Joseph Rodgers, Professor of Psychology. These three will represent the traditionally distinct areas of physical, life and social sciences. The entire community is invited to take part, and there is no charge for admission. In addition, participants can submit their own questions to be answered by the panel of scientists.

Science Cafe Norman meets the first Thursday of each month, at the Norman Public Library. Coffee is provided by Gray Owl Coffee, and snacks and other drinks are provided by the Friends of the Norman Public Library. Questions and suggestions are always welcome, and should be submitted to Sean Crowell at

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